Friday, January 13, 2017

Should we support the Clown President?

A certain number of people think we need to support the president no matter who it is because he represents the United States.  Now I understand that view but the United States is made up of its people.  Supporting the United States requires you to support what is best for those people, not an individual who was elected by less people than voted for his opponent because of a quirk from our constitution.

The interests of the people is paramount and to the extent whoever is president is working to improve the people's interests he deserves support.  Now of course there can be disagreements about what is in the best interest of the people, but each of us has to decide what are the things we support and work to achieve them, whether the president is doing something else or not.

Now this particular president is an orange haired clown who conned a lot of Americans into thinking he could bring back jobs that robots are now doing.  Unfortunately that is self defeating and to the extent he continues to run his con we should oppose him.

Certainly large infrastructure programs can be a good thing and they were promoted by the prior administration as well.  Of course, each project has to serve a worthwhile purpose and if one of those projects is to build a giant wall, that should get about as much support as an effort to build a pyramid.

There are issues with undocumented immigrants but the idea that a stationary wall will stop them is the thinking of our clown president who doesn't understand that the people coming here are actually able to think.  They can find other means of entry and I'm not sure how many stroll across the border even now.  It might make it a bit harder but at the cost of untold billions of dollars for something that will almost certainly stand as a monument to futility long into the future.

I'm not even sure undocumented immigrants are much of a problem despite the fact they get a lot of press.  The vast majority come here and take jobs that would otherwise be hard to fill and the economic benefit far outweighs the economic cost.  However, if we want to stop them, there are modern ways to do it that are more effective than a wall.

The clown has a very distorted view of the world which he has acquired from old movies it seems.  He has a rudimentary concept of military tactics, no real concept of health care issues, a distorted view of world affairs and accepts every bit of exaggerated right wing rhetoric he comes across.

If by some miracle he promotes a sane logical policy that is good for the American people, I will be in favor.  I'm waiting to see that.

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