Saturday, January 21, 2017


We have a draft dodger in the white house who claims he wants to build up the military as long as its other people's sons dying.

He wants to reduce taxes for his rich friends and a little bit for the suckers.

He is going to take away millions of people's health care and let them fend for themselves in high risk pools.

He is going to take away a woman's right to choose about what happens with her body and her future.

He is going to regress on the rights of millions of LGBT people.

He's already provided certain people a sense that they can harass others who look a bit different then they do.

He is going to break up hard working immigrant families who contribute to the growth of this country because of how they got here.

He is turning his back on some of our strongest alliances and our commitments to peace in the world.

He is trying to impede our efforts to slow down and halt climate change.

He is going to remove regulations designed to clean up our air and water inevitably leading to pain and misery for people subject to pollution.

He is going to cut funding to the arts.

He is going to reverse the effort to get a set of standards in education that assure all Americans have basic skills when they graduate.

He is going to reduce Social Security and Medicare benefits.

And so much more.

The man himself is despicable and has lived a life of privilege and debauchery and he is an unrepentant liar, despite clear evidence that proves him so.

For those of you who think this is OK because the liar said he was bringing jobs back, well good luck to you with that.  The robots aren't going away any time soon.

However opposing these policies and this man is the most American thing I can do.

I want to make America greater than it ever was, not return to bigotry, racism, sexism and isolationism.

We need to protect the earth for our descendants.

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