Tuesday, January 10, 2017

A Petty President

Well unless something causes a major change in personality we are soon going to have our most petty and paranoid President since Richard Nixon.

But  because we have twitter, we have evidence of the pettiness instantaneously.

He is so thin skinned that it is actually a bit terrifying considering the possible damage he can do after the 20th.

Any criticism is met with an immediate unthinking response that oftentimes contradicts things he has previously said.

The most recent example, unless something just happened is the incident with Meryl Streep, an acknowledge actress with many credits and kudos who has a long and distinguished career.

She discussed the incident where the draft dodger elect mocked a disable reporter and also commented on the culture of hate he is sowing.

Now whether you agree or disagree with the comments, she has every right to make them and it was her time on that stage to say what she wanted.

If you disagree with her, fine, that is your right, but we expect our presidents to act with a certain decorum.

The draft dodgers reaction was however a rant about how she's a mediocre talent who shouldn't have use the award forum for a political statement.

Of course this being America that is not his decision and one would think that responding to comments such as this only give them greater circulation and credence.

Further, he always was a non-talented reality show host who had a few cameo appearances in bad movies that still revealed his utter lack of talent.

Probably a good thing that he will spend most of his time responding to stuff like this as opposed to ruining the country, but of course he will undoubtedly insult a lot of world leaders pretty soon.

Guess his master Putin is the only one exempt.

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