Wednesday, January 4, 2017

God is Good, Bad is Bad

There are policies that are good for America, policies which are bad for America and policies that we can't agree on.

For example, providing jobs to Americans is a good thing, no matter who does it.

Discriminating against minorities is a bad thing no matter who does it.

Some level of gun control is a debate issue.

Now feeling that the incoming administration promotes some things which are simply bad, like intolerance and voter suppression, doesn't mean that if they do pass an infrastructure bill, something that Obama tried to do, we shouldn't think it is a good thing.

Now whether they can deliver any of the things we all agree are good remains to be seen, but we shouldn't blindly oppose things that we actually support because of the other things.

Of course we should fight the bad and debatable things to the fullest extent possible, that is both our right and our obligation.

However, the last eight years saw the republican congress blindly oppose pretty much everything proposed by Obama, even when it actually was something they had previously advocated.

I tend to doubt the incoming administration has the ability to do much good.

However, strange things can happen.

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