Sunday, January 22, 2017

What next?

The Marches were impressive but a one day demonstration doesn't solve much.

It may have at least sent a message, but in all honesty, he sees what he wants to see so small protests and gigantic crowds at his inauguration, distorted by the media.

We really are living in the world of the 30s where propaganda was king and lies were simply repeated over and over again.  It is apparently persuasive to some.

There has to be a concerted effort at the grassroots level to undo the damage done by gerrymandering and to get rid of the electoral college.  Of course, we have a lot of people believing the lies that the country is in trouble and "American" values have been lost.

Of course, if by American values we mean being a melting pot accepting all the people of the world, despite religion, politics or color, it is being threatened by the new administration.

That's not the values they are talking about, they want the Eisenhower years back, with a Chevrolet in every driveway and mothers staying at home raising the kids.

Its a vision of a mostly white America, full of church going Christians who reject perversion.

Keep all the hypocrisy and cheating out of sight and just well, leave it to Beaver.

Not a vision of the future, and not really a legitimate memory, it leaves out the cold war, poverty, Korea, Vietnam, drugs and racism among other things.

The hypocrisy though is alive.  We have millions of people complaining about the Government helping the poor while they want the Government to create jobs for them.  Those people who reject big government only want it big enough to give them what they want.

I see the main liar and his followers post what a resounding victory they had when most Americans voted for someone else.  Guess math class wasn't a popular one.

The real work is just beginning and it isn't going to be easy.

The good news is that we have two days gone!

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