Friday, January 20, 2017

American Democracy in Action

Today we will see a peaceful transition of power as we have seen after all presidential changes.

No matter the characters involved or the issues, we maintain a tradition that is one of the ways we respect the rule of law.

The incoming president is not the determiner of this, it is the underlying belief in the American system that maintains the practice.

It needs to be protected and certainly has room for improvement in things like the electoral college which to some extent perverts the people's choice.

However, those are fights that need to take place and after today we will have a new, if not better president.

Of course some people think he will be better and we will certainly find out.

The prosperity and safety of the nation is the true measure and we see the scorecards when the terms end, not when they begin.

We know that eight years ago the nation was in dire financial straights and engaged in two wars.

We know that today the economy is doing pretty well and we have less Americans at risk.

Could the economy be better?  I guess it always could be.

We also will see what happens to some of our rights and liberties under the new administration and whether we take backward steps in our progress towards full equality.

I certainly hope not and will certainly oppose any such moves.

If you are a conservative Christian that's fine, but you need to accept that not everyone is.

Everyone has the right to believe what they want.

That is the American dream really.

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