Wednesday, January 11, 2017

It's their fault!

Generally while Americans have an enviable standard of living and a stable government and haven't had a foreign invader since 1815, we like to complain.

Now complaining is pretty much a universal thing and we certainly didn't invent it.

Nor did we invent who is at fault.

It is them.

Now who that is varies a lot based on who you are.

Its not your people at fault, it the others.

But one "them" we tend to agree on a lot is the Government.

Now, we get to elect the Government and the people who run it and polls consistently show that while we think the Government is too big, too lazy, too corrupt and too run by special interests, it isn't the person we elected, it those other guys.

Now that makes sense since no one would vote for someone, lazy, corrupt, in debt to special interests or would we?

Well if the Government representatives have those characteristics, someone had to.

Its the same scenario almost everywhere, our representative gets re-elected while we want everyone else to lose.

Now we seem t realize we have a problem since the other things a majority of Americans tend to support is term limits.

We need to be saved from ourselves, or maybe from our neighbors.

We after all are a big lazy country, that tends to vote for people that promise us things even if they can't deliver. 

We have a Government that truly reflects us.

We need someone to save us from ourselves.

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