Thursday, January 19, 2017

Days of Future Past

Eight years ago amid one of the worst financial crises in our history, with bin Laden alive, mired in two expensive wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, we started the Obama era.

Today is the last day of that era and  we saw the economy recover, health care expanded, American troops disengaged, the military modernized and terrorism under reasonable control in this country.

Things could have been batter and the changes that could have happened were stopped by the failure of the Democrats to publicize their successes more and allowed Republicans the opportunity to frame the debate in terms that were favorable to them.

We are now possibly going to regress and reverse some of the progress achieved.

Its most likely that the current group in congress will be just as obstinate as they have been since the American public has elected people with no experience in government and because the primary system makes people very vulnerable to a rabid minority.

The general concept of America becoming a better country for all its citizens is one that is in jeopardy as some feel that equalizing things hurts them.

It doesn't.

Freedom like love is not diminished by sharing it.

Neither is respect or equality.

Economics and progress have made some people less able to get good paying jobs, but this is America, go out and get the skills you need instead of asking the Government to roll back the clock.

The world economy is going to move forward and America has to adapt or fall behind.

Greatness is in the future, not in the past.

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