Sunday, January 15, 2017

No Filter

We are seeing the results of having no filter, so what spews out is at best likely to include a lot of rubbish.

No filter and a thin skin result in things like attacking a respected veteran of the civil rights movement as being all talk.

Now we have burning inner cities, further proof that someone is stuck in the 70s.

I wonder when was the last time he even was near an inner city?

He really lives in a fantasy world populated by images he may or may not have seen over the years, as well as the fake news he reads.

He like Breitbart but thinks CNN is fake news.

Now this play well with a lot of his supporters who really don't like the America they live in.

Want to return to the Eisenhower era where minorities knew their place and real Americans lived in an apple pie scented heaven.

While I was only a child during those years, I know it wasn't all it was cracked up to be.

We had refugees, cold war, polio, racism and immigration.

We also ended up in Vietnam, after we spent some time in Korea.

It wasn't all Father Knows Best or the Donna Reed Show.

Mayberry RFD was a fictional place with a pleasant town drunk.

Even Gunsmoke had a brothel in town.

We did have McCarthism, Fire Hoses turned on protesters and angry white crowds yelling at small black children going to school.

Well in almost every way things are better now, but some people just want to return to the black and white era cause they hate color so much.

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