Monday, January 2, 2017

Resolutions for the New Year

My individual resolutions for the New Year are neither important or any different than usual. 

It would be nice if America could agree on some basic things but of course we don't get together and do that.  I'd still like to propose a few.

Everyone should be treated with respect, without regard to religion, race or national origin.  Think that's in our constitution.

While we have freedom of speech and the press, we need to use a bit more skeptical logic before we believe stories.

We need to make sure our elderly and infirm are taken care of and not forced to lose their dignity.

We need to take care of our veterans.

In some fashion people who need medical attention should get it.

Education should be effective and affordable for all.

All our constitutional rights should be honored, not just some.

Police are entitled to respect as long as they follow the law.

People should be allowed privacy and freedom to love whoever they want however they want as long as its consensual adults.

And finally, no matter how sure you are that you know what's good for someone else, let them make their own decisions.

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