Thursday, January 26, 2017

Buyers Remorse

Think we've all had it, buyer's remorse, where a product that we had high hopes for didn't quite perform to the degree expected.

Of course much of the time you can return the item but sometimes you can't and you are just stuck with it.

I think some people who voted for the current president might have some buyer's remorse right now.

Certainly not all of them and some are quite happy with what he's doing since they want the government shaken up and he seems to be shaking it.

Now there is a side of the president that might actually be good for business, at least in the short term, as regulations designed to protect us are removed allowing them to operate with less cost.

That might result is higher stock prices for a while and higher salaries for executives and even possibly a few jobs.

Its not going to bring back the factories of the past, they are obsolete and costly so most of the people who hoped those jobs were coming back will be disappointed.

Of course low paying jobs done by immigrants may be plentiful soon, but we already have enough low paying jobs.

Its some of the other things that is causing the remorse among at least some.

The health care issue is starting to hit home and as much as Obama care was hated, the Affordable Care Act wasn't, and people are finding out they are the same thing.

The clownish behavior and alternative facts promulgated by the administration is giving some pause.

He is going to trample over property rights to build a pipeline and to build a wall that might be problematic for some.

Bringing back torture isn't really an American value.

His own staff are using private e-mail servers.

Many women may be hurt by an attack on planned parenthood which never used federal funds for abortions.

And the list goes on.

Now, businessmen will prosper for at least a while and everyone else will probably be a bit worse off.

Especially if you like clean air and water and respect individual rights.

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