Monday, January 23, 2017

Alternative Facts?

We now have a new term for lies, but I guess it isn't surprising since the whole campaign was based on it.

Its not the first time that we were told black is white or up is down.  We just seem to believe it more.

The crowd size at the inauguration is a trivial matter but of course the despot has to be the best and biggest.

We see the same behavior in countries like North Korea and of course I read today that he will hand pick what press has access to his press conferences.

I would think the entire press should refuse to attend under such circumstances but well see if they have the courage of their convictions or not.

Trying to control the press is something all tyrants attempt.

Its interesting that he is so blatant about it, thinking he got elected with some sort of mandate because a few people in some rust belt states believed his lies.

The press let him get away with a lot of this by allowing the right, the Russians and the fake news organizations with some FBI assistance to force alternative facts to be promulgated about Hillary Clinton.

The things the press harped about were in fact nothing at all, emails, charitable foundations, and Benghazi.  It was not fake news but the facts were pretty clear and the alternative reality presented by the press was ridiculous.

Of course they are now going to have to live with those transgressions.  They treated these alternative facts as valid so they will get more and more of them.

When they reported alternative facts without pointing that out they were lies they gave them validity.

The press has demonstrated its lack of backbone and its lack of ethics.

They fall for staged media events and ignore the very real scandals in front of them.

They are easily manipulated, look how much attention they gave to the women Trump paraded from Bill Clinton's past, who certainly had nothing to do with Hillary's campaign and allowed the sexist statements by Trump to be well trumped. 

 Of course its a free press, who would pay for this crap?

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