Monday, January 9, 2017

The Ugly Americans

Much of the world has an image of Americans as rude, crude and lewd.  We have pretty much confirmed that view and many of us seem sort of proud of that.

Of course, the people who feel that way consider themselves as rebels.  They don't need the effete intellectual things like ballet and opera and a beer, a gun and some country music and dancing with their gal is enough.

Of course, they do need a job to afford those things, and they have been having trouble finding them because they don't have the skills needed.

This isn't their fault, its the establishment which has decided to give those jobs to immigrants, refugees and foreigners in general.

When all those jobs were here, they were living large.

Of course when I was young the word on the street was don't buy a car made on a Friday since half the workers were drunk.

These are the folk who used the Union to get benefits and wages but objected to having union dues.

They invented the phrase TGIF because they loved those jobs so much.

They drove companies to automate or outsource their jobs because they weren't really affordable or even good at them.

Japanese quality ate our lunch in the 70s.

Now obviously some of them were dedicated hard workers, but others who thought they were working hard were actually hardly working.

They never took responsibility for themselves and had to be over supervised to be productive.

The hard working dedicated folks, developed the new skills needed and are generally doing OK.

The others who think doing what the bosses or society want you to do is selling out or being a flunky, not so much.

Hey, crap low paying jobs are the price of being a rebel, don't do the crime if you can't do the time.

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