Saturday, February 4, 2017

Another Saturday

Well its the beginning of February and a couple of weeks into the new administration. Normally the period called the honeymoon period although in this one, the married couple are not so fond of each other.

For someone so fond of ratings, the low approval ratings should really be an issue, he might be doing even worse than Arnold, although a different scale.

The problem is sort of like the dog that caught the car, what now?

Ignoring for now the way our system has been perverted to create a Republican government, they are mostly used to complaining about, well pretty much everything.

Its easy to complain, but not so easy to actually do something.

It also seems that the only two people who believed Trump meant the things he was saying was Trump and Bannon.

Most of us have a bit of a rebellious streak and when you don't get everything you want, or feel in a certain mood, you express your rebellion.  I think we saw a lot of votes cast for the winning candidate as a symbol of rebellion by people who didn't think it would matter.  Well, surprise, it did.

There is  a lot of cynicism out there, it seems like a lot more than it use to be, because every wacko can state an opinion, including me.

So since it is easiest to tear people down, that's what happens the most, so no one is worthy, no system is honest, no one can be trusted.

Also, the news reports the bad things that happen to the point where it seems like nothing bu bad things are happening, when generally for most people life goes on pretty routinely.

Terrorism is much less of a danger than driving your car, yet we are terrified of it and not afraid of out cars.

There are many more drunk drivers out there than terrorists.  I'm not seeing any executive orders about that.

You are also more likely to be a victim of a mass shooting by a crazy person than the victim of a terrorist, but we want to make sure the crazies can own guns.

People say to support the new president, but he needs to do something that is supportable.  Handcuffing 5 year olds isn't it.

Think the new show needs to make some changes if it wants ratings to improve, maybe add a few likeable supporting Latinos.  Include a few women in group pictures too, I would support that.

What does it mean that a women should dress like a women anyways?  Think that dress code could be improved.

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