Tuesday, February 14, 2017

In Like Flynn

Well, he's not in anymore, he's out and the reason is lying to the administration and the public about what he did.

Of course not everyone is convinced that the administration didn't know he was discussing positions with the Russians but it does violate a law, and they certainly can't admit it.

But since lying in an alternative facts administration doesn't seem like it would get you fired, its probably true they didn't know about it.

So he probably did do it on his own, or maybe the top guy knew about it but he did the honorable thing and resigned.

I guess we can rest assured in the knowledge that his Russian handlers are still in place and our direction remains the same.

At least he knew something about the area he was put in charge of, as we test whether completely unqualified people put in charge of organizations can be effective.

We are all the guinea pigs in this experiment, so show some interest.

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