Saturday, February 25, 2017

Is this a Remake of the Producers

The movie and then the Broadway play is about a producer and accountant who figure out that they can make more money with a flop than a hit and go out and try to find the most offensive play possible to guarantee they lose money.

However, its so bad it turns out to be popular and the whole scheme backfires.

There is reason to believe that we have seen something like that in the last election.

There were a lot of rumors that Trump was doing the whole thing to renegotiate his apprentice contract, thinking that an unsuccessful run would put him in a better position to make money.

But he ran such a bad campaign, appealing to all the worst elements in America and getting support from mindless Republicans that he is now in the White House.

Not by very much, about 100,000 voters in three states would have swung the election, but there he is despite losing the popular vote by almost 3 million.

Now, the apprentice money is probably going to dry up since the ratings were so bad and his other business operations are taking some hits, plus its much more time consuming than he would like.

In the Producers after the scam blew up they went to jail, although still sort of lovable.

Trump may very well feel locked up and abused and still tweets in the middle of the night like a frustrated teenager.

Its hard to imagine he will make it through a single term but you never know so can just wait and see.

So Trump is Max.

Pence is Leo

Bannon is Franz

Melania is Ulla

And Spicer is Roger.


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