Sunday, February 12, 2017

Say no to Hate

One of the things that is hard to understand is how a party which essentially teaches hate and caters to the wealthiest among us has any popularity at all.

If you consider politics, people generally vote based on what issues impact them directly. 

So lost jobs and to some extent lost values impact votes.

Republicans claim they stand for American values and family values.  These are of course the family values of Mayberry RFD or maybe Father Knows Best.

Certainly not the lifestyles portrayed in media about celebrity entertainers, although that is nothing new and was scandalous during the golden days of Hollywood.

Its not much news to say that 99% of all Americans lived their normal lives today and while they had to deal with individual annoyances will do the same thing again tomorrow.

What's going on with the other 1% that makes the news and twists our perceptions.

In general most people are trying to survive and raise a family, no matter where they live, the color of their skin, their nationality, or their sexual orientation.

What we have in common is so much more than what differentiates us.  We sometime thing that the world breaks down into us and them, and the people who live near us are somehow different than everyone else.

However, the farmer who gets up before dawn to see to his livestock isn't really very different than the workers taking the train or car into work before dawn in many of our American cities. 

There are people who abuse the system but its not as prevalent as some would have you believe and no one is in favor of that.

The current message of exclusion and hate is not an American value, it is a result of fear and lies.

We need to reject it. 

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