Friday, February 17, 2017

America's Clown Team

The news that Ringling Brothers, Barnum and Bailey was going to close is a little less troublesome knowing that the clowns have some great employment opportunities with the new administration.

Hopefully they will bring a better sense of coordination and showmanship to a show that is looking like it needs a mid season tweak after just a month.

At least the promise about changing the way the world views America is working.

The only record they have set so far is that they lost the popular vote by more than any other "winner" ever. 

The good news is that what they are trying to do is so distasteful that failing to be efficient is probably a good thing.

What are they actually trying to do, eliminate maid service at most hotels? 

I guess if all the lawn mowing companies have no workers left, Americans may get a little more exercise doing yard work.

Of course someone has to pick the ripe fruit, so not sure how they plan to do that.

As far as terrorism, they are allowing mentally ill people to buy guns so think that will be a fertile area.

Destroying the health care opportunities for many Americans may also be a place where despair leads to desperate acts.

Of course the congress is so used to being dysfunctional it can't figure out how to coordinate anything.

Once again probably a good thing.

The press can't get out of their own way, its too crazy for normal reporting.

They don't want to appear partisan but how can you cover this mess without coming off that way?

Think they should "tell it like it is".

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