Thursday, February 2, 2017

Solving Problems

In order to solve a problem you first have to have a problem.

This may seem pretty obvious, but there is a lot of time wasted trying to solve things which aren't actually problems.

Take voter fraud.

There is no real evidence that it is a problem.

In fact the studies all show pretty conclusively that it isn't.  There is evidence that some registrations are incorrect which are easily explained by three things, people die, they move and ID theft.

However dead people, people registered in multiple states and people who are stealing identities are not voting.  It is simply the fact that this is done by states and we don't have a simple way to update deaths and people moving.

Its popular because it allows certain laws that suppress certain legal voters.

Another non-problem is the erosion of white privilege.  First, there is no actual right to white privilege and second its not being eroded because other people are gaining rights.

You see people using other phony issue, such as having to select English as your language when you call a help center.  How is that a problem?  It helps some people get help.

Other phony problems include thing like disrespect o the flag or not saying the pledge of allegiance in schools or even the fact that the newest generation is not doing what they should (a very ancient complaint (btw).  These are not real problems.

Real problems do exist but they can't be solved if not understood.

Poverty in the world is a problem.  Violence in the streets is a problem.  Failure to provide our citizens good health care or education is a problem.  The number of people we incarcerate is a problem.

There are of course more problems that need to understood and solved.  Time spent chasing illusionary ones helps no one.

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