Sunday, August 26, 2018

A Hero Leaves Us

There was a tie in this country when we were taught to do what was best for the country, not what was best for yourself.  Of course we still have many people in uniform who risk everything for the country but in many ways we see that self interest and selfishness have replaced visions of the common good.

John McCain exemplified the notion of service and lived it his entire life.

His loss makes the country a little worse than it was.

I didn't agree with many of his policies but I never doubted that he felt they were the right ones for the country or that he would let blind politics dictate how he acted.

He was a maverick when he got elected and kept his independent spirit alive until the end.

Its sad that he endured captivity and torture during the Vietnam war only to be insulted by a draft dodger who would prefer his heroes not to be captured.

Well you can avoid that risk by shirking service to your country, but having a plane shot down and being captured is in fact heroic and brave.

Honorable service, something that once was common in this country, and still is in our military.

Unfortunately it seems to be getting rare among our politicians.

We have lost one of the remaining few.

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