Saturday, August 4, 2018

Fuel Economy Standards

Using more gasoline to power your car without any extra performance simply costs money and contributes to air pollution.

It does of course benefit oil producers who get to sell you more oil and make more profit.

Vehicles use the public roadways and pollute the air we all breathe, whether we drive one or not.

Requiring these vehicles, no matter what weight class to improve fuel economy has been something that protects the air, protects consumers, encourages auto research.

It reduces the demand for oil, reducing air pollution and reducing oil demand, thereby lowering prices.

So on one hand we have public benefit, earth benefit, consumer benefit.

On the other hand we have oil profits.

We know what side the current administration is on, they eliminated future targets.

These were not targets that the auto industry opposed, it was clearly within their technological ability.

They may not bother now since it will save some research and design effort.

How much will this decision impact the climate?

Well as a percentage, not all that much, but it has a negative impact when we should be reducing the amount of carbon we emit.

Will it prop up oil prices and allow the oil companies to make more money?

Yes, it will.

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