Wednesday, August 22, 2018

The Disruptive Presidency

So its pretty obvious that at the very least the dontard condoned "dirty" tricks in his campaign.

He also was aware of what was going on and to some extent directed it.

Are these criminal activities, it seems like they violate a number of laws and certainly ethics rules, but I'll wait and see if any charges are filed.

Neither of these things are surprising and we are still waiting to see the report related to obstruction and collusion concerning Russian interference.

I don't see the dontard having any integrity so I doubt he will resign and I'm not sure that helps anything since the vice president is a radical evangelical.

However he was the Governor of a mid-sized State so he must have some awareness of how politics works.

I'm not sure any of this will matter to dontard supporters, they support him partly because he is a loose cannon and they want to see things disrupted.

Certainly he has given them that and his administration is still in the first half.

It may very well sway the mid-terms and it may guarantee a Democratic majority, possibly in both houses.

That could lead to a bill of impeachment and a Senate trial where conviction might not be obtainable.

Would be disruptive though.

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