Saturday, August 25, 2018

Saturday Musings

All the ridiculous and never ending investigations and allegations against Hillary Clinton never came up with a single charge.  Interesting.

Once a house of cards starts to crumble it crumbles pretty fast.  Got the National Enquirer and the Doorman involved already.

If you see a lot of rats leaving the ship, it means their feet are getting wet.

The North Korea actions have led to a postponement of talks, sounds a lot like that Nobel Peace Prize is slipping away.

So foreign relations, the climate and trade are all quickly deteriorating.  Need new players.

The Dontard in Ohio continues to blame the minority Democratic party for not supporting him?  Guess he isn't up on the two party system we have.

He wants to stop prosecutors from flipping suspects to get to bigger fish.  Guess he doesn't understand how our criminal justice system works.  He should watch episodes of Law and Order.

I'm sorry to disappoint those who think he has some sort of master plan to accomplish whatever it is he is trying to accomplish.  He doesn't and he just tries to take care of number one.

If you think he had a brilliant strategy to win the election remember he lost the popular vote and was helped by both the FBI and the Russians to win a few key states by the skin of his teeth.  Hillary isn't the best campaigner when you look at it.

The damage he is causing to the environment is actually the worst thing about this period.  The Supreme Court might be almost as bad.

The rest can be fixed pretty easily.

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