Monday, August 27, 2018


We are seeing how policies without strategy fall short.

The dontard adopted a lot of policies from the talking heads on a particular network, assuming they had some idea of what they were talking about.

The really were more interested in being controversial and getting ratings.

Some of the experts they had on might have had some clue but the network pursues a particular approach designed to attract audience.

They aren't going for the best and the brightest either.

Now this is demagoguery and it strikes a populist tone regardless of the actual facts of the situation.

They cater to people who want strict enforcement of immigration laws ignoring the fact that the situation required certain laborers access to provide cheap labor.

The push for tough foreign policy without considering the fact that the rest of the world has its own opinion and as rich and strong as we are, history proves it won't last if we overextend ourselves.

They promote all sorts of conspiracy theories without much actual proof, fabricating for controversy and a bigger audience.

They are an entertainment network, about on the same level as say the cartoon network.

They just have real life cartoons.

They are certainly entitled to be what they are, it is a free country, but they really can't be taken very seriously most of the time.

They now have found their ideal toddler, who watches and believes.


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