Wednesday, August 15, 2018

Not Thanksgiving

When you hear Turkey and China you may think about Thanksgiving but in this case its just the increasing trade wars.

Turkey has been added primarily it seems because they failed to comply with a request from the dontard about an arrested minister.

The minister may not be guilty but I have no real way of knowing and generally we allow countries to administer their own laws within their own countries.

Turkey is, as far as trade goes, pretty insignificant but of course these sort of things tend to take on more significance because of the politics involved.

There is a long list of countries, a growing list, where we are engaged in sanctions or tariffs to enforce a principle or policy.

This list includes our oldest and strongest allies as well as of course some countries we have had ongoing issue with.

Of course the issues with China may have the most significance but its the accumulation that may end up being the Trojan horse.

As more and more countries decide our policies are irrational and arbitrary, compliance to things like sanctions will decrease.

It should also be noted that to the extent that restrictions are put on using American dollars in transaction in sanctioned countries we may be signaling a move to a different currency.

America has been viewed generally as a stable harbor in a sea of financial turbulence, but that perception is likely to change based on some of these unpredictable and erratic policies.

Time will tell.

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