Friday, August 3, 2018


Socialism has been one of the most abused words in the English language, partly because it has become closely associated with communism.

However the simplest definition of socialism is the idea that society as a whole should be the primary concern of our policies.

Capitalism, another word for individualism, focuses on the benefit to the individual instead of the group.

It should also be noted that it doesn't have to be an all or nothing situation.

Every society and Government has to be concerned with society as a whole, or it wouldn't function.

The interests of the individual and the interests of society are not generally in conflict, however at times they are.

Generally it involves control of resources and how those resources are distributed.

In general we are a country that believe in capitalism in that we respect individual property and the right to amass wealth.

The general argument here is that it promotes progress and therefore ultimately better opportunities for all.

Wealth is in fact a proven motivator, but of course on might wonder if it is the only one.

The other issue concerns social welfare, a non-economic form of socialism.

Should health care be provided to all or just a few?

We see great disparities in wealth in this country and we see great disparities in quality of life.

Should some of our elderly be forced to scrape by, eating cat food to save a few pennies, unable to afford medication or should society take care of them?

Many of us who support economic rewards also feel that we need to improve our social welfare programs.

Its recognition that all people are created equal, although not so much in America.

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