Friday, August 10, 2018

Painful Thoughts

The National Security team knowing they have an unstable leader, were able to negotiate a NATO agreement without him.

I admire their dedication but it doesn't mean he still won't do something that causes problems.

He wanders about with half formed opinions and few actually facts making decisions that impact the whole world.

He appeals to a certain group of Americans who are simply inward focused and feeling a bit victimized.

These are the white working class Americans who are having trouble with the changes in American society and economics.

They used to be pretty much assured of a decent job and lifestyle as long as they stayed out of trouble.

They are to a large extent people who helped build this country, at least for the period that their families have been here, but many are the descendants of immigrants from the late 19th century and early 20th century.

They are children and grandchildren of our World War 2 heroes and grew up during a period when you could finish high school, maybe serve in the military, and then get a good job in a plant or as a policeman or fireman.

They could get married, buy a house, raise a family and effectively enjoy the American dream, bought for them by their immigrant ancestors.

It started to unravel as technology and globalization eliminate the unskilled jobs and the world started demanding they learn skills or get a college degree.

They want to reverse progress and go back to the state of affairs that in all honesty treated them like robots or automatons.  It isn't going to happen but they don't want to have to think.

They really don't and why should they, you can still be presient.

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