Sunday, August 5, 2018

Sunday Thoughts

Last night the dontard displayed his racist tendencies again in an attack on Maxine Waters.  He can certainly disagree with her, but his comments had clear racist overtones, catering to his basest instincts and is base.

He keeps taking credit for the economy which has simply continued the Obama trends although with higher deficits and developing headwinds.  He lives in a fantasy world of new steel mills and coal mines.

He is now in a feud with his major donor base who oppose his tariffs.  His base is mostly so called republicans, but its a party that is very different nowadays, defined by anti abortion, pro gun, anti immigrant, anti government and minority suppression.  His support among that group is not going to waver.

The good news is that most Americans do not share those views.  The bad news is that many progressive people don't feel like their vote means anything.

A lot of people in this country are clearly disillusioned with politics as usual.  The political establishments are controlled by the old politicians although we are seeing some changes happening.  We need a clear progressive agenda and strong progressive candidates who will fight for things like universal heath care, secure pensions, income equality, equal opportunity and equal education.

People who have been successful are entitled to enjoy the good things in life, but everyone is entitled to have equal access to health, education and equality.

They need to be strongly in support of a clean environment and less pollution of all types, with efforts to reduce and reverse environmental damage.

We have shown we can do this as many of our waterways and the air we breathe have improved greatly since the clean air and water act.

Progress to a future where we have a sustainable society where people can achieve based on hard work and merit and our neediest are not ignored is the goal.

Its simple enough, treat everyone equally.

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