Saturday, August 11, 2018


It remains to be seen how the gathering today in Washington DC and other places ends up.

These are people who are inherently both racist and supporters of the current administration who are trying to promote racial purity.

Good luck with that since most DNA tests show very little actual racial purity exists.

In fact the idea of race is probably problematic from a scientific view, we are simply talking about degrees of pigmentation, but this isn't a very intellectual gathering.

Of course skin color is proof of natural selection since it provides some advantage in areas with more sun and disadvantages where the sun is less prevalent.

Much of our views on race were really decided by a short period of history when certain European countries expanded their reach in search of trade and profits and ended up colonizing much of the world.

The reasons they were able to do this have to do with their history of conflict and some technological advances they had made.

The United States exists on land that was once owned by native Americans who we displaced in large part via biological terror.  The introduction of Western diseases led to a plague in both Americas that left large areas vulnerable to colonization.  Of course the people who settled here were mostly not involved in that, they were simply looking for a better life.

Is there something special about people with European ancestry?

Maybe its just their egos.

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