Sunday, August 12, 2018

Thoughts on Politics

Have you noticed how quickly someone can go from being one of the best to a terrible lowlife in the current administration?

We see an all out attack on Omarosa since she is publishing a tell all book that is by all accounts pretty unfavorable to the dontard.

He attacks his sitting Attorney General for not taking his side without question.  Guess he has some protection from his many connections in the republican party.

It seems that many sitting republicans expected their constituents to be excited about that tax cut that mostly went to businesses and wealthy people.  This is a particularly clueless group so the amount of reduced taxes was barely noticeable and generally the increase in health care premiums more than offset it.

Most people were unimpressed and of course now the tariffs are starting to add up.

There is little being done in Washington that is going to help most Americans.  What would of course help them is better schools, affordable college, health care, child care, better jobs, stable retirements, sound senior benefit programs, affordable housing, less pollution and cheaper goods and services.

There are special interests who make a lot of money over how these things work now and that money talks loudly to politicians who need it to run for office.  Money over people seems to be the credo of all politicians generally but maybe republicans also drink the Kool-aid they are selling about how less Government regulation will make things better.

It will certainly allow the to make more money and therefore donate more so we see where the influence lies.

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