Friday, August 17, 2018

Parade Lost in the Swamp

Well as Washington keeps getting swampier, the swamp has swallowed up the military parade the dontard wanted.

It was a bad idea in the first place, why pay to bring all those troops and equipment to destroy the streets in Washington when you can get plenty of pictures just visiting military bases.

The swamp in Washington just gets bigger as we see unqualified people doing stupid things.

Of course we have the most unqualified person in charge of it all.

Some still think he is responsible for the improving economy, if it can be said to actually be improving.

The issue with the economy both before the financial crisis and since hasn't always been the number of jobs as much as the quality for certain people.

Technology and the global economy has eliminated the need for many jobs that used to require few skills except the ability to turn up.

Because of previous labor shortages and the efforts of unions over the years many of these jobs paid more than the market could actually justify.

They were easily replaced by technology and the global economy.

The jobs that replaced them pay market rates, which is a lot less than what they used to get.

Its one of the reasons that income per capita has been pretty stagnant as high paying jobs turn into lower paying ones.  Of course people with the right skills are in demand and doing quite well.

There isn't going to be a miracle resurgence of low skilled highly paid union jobs in any foreseeable future.

They are also lost in the swamp.

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