Thursday, August 30, 2018

American Values

We are seeing an erosion of civil liberties for people in this country because of their country of origin or because of their race.

This isn't accidental, it is an attempt to deny them an equal say about our countries policies and elected officials.

One of the methods widely used is to manipulate voting districts to minimize the impact of voters you don't like.  If you simply put them into a single district, you can reduce their representation greatly despite the fact that they comprise a higher percentage of the population.

To do this based on race has been illegal for some time, so they tried to justify it based on party affiliation, which effectively was the same thing in practice and the courts struck it down.

One person one vote, its not a complex concept but it becomes meaningless if you make the vote count less.

We actually see this on the national level as well because of the electoral college and the equal number of senators per state.  If you live in one of our mountain states in the West your vote counts a lot more than if you live in a major metropolitan area.

Geography doesn't have political opinions.

We also see a crackdown on Americans of Mexican descent who are in many cases being asked to provide excessive proof of who they are.

People born along the border are being accused of having false birth certificates, without much proof and being denied passports and re-entry into the country.

These are people who were born here, educated here, served in the armed forces, worked here and now many years later have their credential being challenged.

Even if, at the time of their birth, a midwife changed the location on the birth certificate, after all these years they are as American as anyone.

Its part of a crackdown on people of Mexican descent orchestrated by politicians who want to suppress their votes.

They are being accused of a crime on speculation and being asked to prove their innocence as opposed to the Government having to prove their guilt.

That's not the America I grew up in.

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