Wednesday, August 29, 2018

All Fluff

I guess one of the things we now have is the early morning inane tweets that the dontard issues.

I think he actually believes the stuff he sends out, but then again maybe he doesn't.

Today he seems to have decided arbitrarily to blame China for hacking e-mails, which were never actually hacked as far as anyone can tell.

Of course to think he would keep track of details is a little like believing he knows what he's doing.

Take North Korea where he was clearly used to score some PR for that dictator when they never intended to do anything but parade the orange haired buffoon on their propaganda.

If you simply give his ego a little stroking he is happy to let you use him to prop up your regime.

He isn't quite so amenable to working with allies who tried the wrong approach, treating him as a partner who you didn't have to coddle.

He wants coddling.

He probably needs it.

Most of his business ventures ended up fading and while he did make some money from his TV show, the rest of his ventures have mixed results.

More flash than cash.

The circumstances that have led him to occupy the presidency are certainly unique and maybe its more than a one time oddity.

I hope not, we need to pick leaders with some substance.

At least I think we do.

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