Wednesday, August 8, 2018

Close One

The special election in Ohio is still too close to call officially, although it appears the Republican is likely to prevail, although not certain.

That was what everyone expected at the start but they didn't originally think it would even be close, but it ended in almost a dead heat.

Its even possible that the rally by the dontard got a few thousand extra votes which would be the margin of victory if it holds.

No matter, they get to do it again in November, along with all the other congressional races.

You can't really say what is going to happen until it actually happens, 2016 showed us that, but all the signs so far point to a Democratic resurgence.

There is almost always a gain in the midterm after a Presidential election by the losing party, the question is how much.  It looks like it might be very big indeed.

Considering the damage done by the dontard's policies to equality and decency, it is important that the message needs to be clear, Americans are not going into a shell and reversing the progress in human rights we have made in this country.

We recognize the right of everyone to enjoy the fundamental rights this country was founded on.

We need to reject the hate.

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