Friday, August 24, 2018

Hypocrisy in Action

We've had some shoes drop but we still haven't had the big one drop yet.

The fact that the dontard is a liar and a womanizer is actually not surprise to anyone, or at least hardly anyone.

One the reasons he even got elected were the lies he spread about his opponents both in the primaries and the general election.

Still we are waiting for something akin to a smoking gun and the issue with that is that he has a lot of co-conspirators or at least enablers.

You see so many Republican politicians who even if a bit reluctantly who jumped on the bandwagon, putting personal gain ahead of the countries best interests.

They were overcame any ethical qualms they may have had and even abandoned some long held policies such as free trade in order to win primaries and hold on to their seats, maybe.

Primaries in both parties are a real distortion of the countries wishes since the number of voters is so small and it can be swayed by radical voters who show up to vote.

A small number of people who are adamant about an issue can sway a primary fairly easily nominating someone who is not in fact representative of the majority of that parties members.

The only way to fix that and to fix similar issue in the general election would be to make voting much easier or even mandatory so we actually had people who represented the majority.

You see however efforts at voter suppression by Republicans who know that they represent a small percentage of the electorate, generally the wealthier and whiter ones.  They are trying to suppress democracy in order to maintain control over the process.

Its so they can continue to line their pockets and those of their donors while they spend recklessly and reduce taxes to burden the future.

Its the face of greed and evil, but its fine with the evangelicals of this country.

Hypocrisy at its finest.

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