Wednesday, December 26, 2018


I have to admit that when I read articles about certain people, they sometimes have views so alien to mine that I really don't understand how they can feel that way.

I hear some people talk about our last President as if he was ruining the country.  I guess the theme is that he was passing too many regulations, being too concerned about the environment, promoting equality and opposed to gun violence.

I gather he was also too soft on immigration, although he deported record numbers of undocumented aliens.

Some thought he was weak on foreign policy and defense.

These attacks are all originated or at least repeated by the rabid fox network and that gives them some legs.

Certainly they criticized everything he did as a matter of principle since he was both a Democrat and a Liberal.

He was also partially African American.

That last factor was not brought up publicly but was always the thing implied.

The fact that he was an American success story, rising to the highest office in the land with not much of a head start in life.

In comparison to the current occupant he displayed dignity and respect for the office and passed a historic health care law that has been under attack ever since.

It remains to be seen how the current administration ends up.

It seems to be heading downhill now.

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