Wednesday, December 12, 2018

Border Security

Border security is something that we obviously need to be somewhat concerned about but with two coastlines and thousands of miles of actual borders it is never going to be 100% guarded, it would be both unaffordable and technologically and personnel nearly impossible.

The concern currently is the number of illegal immigrants coming across our Southern Border, because the comprise the majority.

They certainly don't comprise the greatest threat, at least not in any real sense of that word.

They do however create something of  cultural threat, speaking a different language, influencing certain programming, and generally being a different type of American, than our European roots.

Of course, they also have European roots, but for various reasons, those roots were Spanish and ours don't include Spanish roots, since they would have obviously emigrated to the Spanish speaking countries.

The people coming here, and they have been coming here for a very long time, come for better economic or because we are generally a safer country than some of our southern neighbors.

Current claims to the contrary they do not consist of gang members and/or terrorists, at least not to any great extent.  Terrorists might tag along but they have many other means and the idea that they would first travel to a Latin country to then try to enter this country illegally is both convoluted and a bit silly.  If they aren't already a known terrorist, they could probably just get a tourist visa and come here.

The current argument concerns whether we need a hugely expensive border wall to reduce illegal immigration along our southern border.  If the reason to do this has to do with keeping out terrorists or gang members, it is extremely silly and almost certainly useless.

I've never seen an analysis that would indicate a wall along the southern border would accomplish anything.  We already have created barriers in the areas with the easiest overland access only to have them bypassed or tunneled under.  Will a multi-billion dollar wall stop some immigration, certainly, but so would many other more effective measures.

It is a project that would take many years to complete, cost many billions of dollars, and require significant maintenance and manning to accomplish very little.

Its not the way to get effective border security.

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