Friday, December 28, 2018

Make Things Better

Its pretty easy to ignore things that don't impact you directly.

For example during a war you know there are people enduring difficult and dangerous conditions risking their lives but you hardly think about them, at least most of us, if you are closely involved.

Its just human nature, life goes on and more mundane matters become our focus.

At any time there is a long list of things going on that creates appalling conditions for people, from wars, to famine, to political upheaval, gang violence.

Some places, like much of the Middle East, have constant turmoil, at lest in parts, they just continues.

Others, like many natural disasters flare up and eventually get fixed.

Take the Puerto Rican hurricane, the last I heard many were still suffering, although I just don't hear much about it anymore.  I would like to think all the issues are fixed, but I have my doubts.

We also have the issues concerning immigration and immigrants that doesn't seem to have a resolution.

In fact, we seem to be making it worse, at least for many of them who are looking for asylum.

We also have ongoing gun violence which tends to be ignored unless we have a mass shooting.

To those who lose their lives and their survivors, it is an ongoing problem.  One that could impact any of us without warning.  Yet we tend to treat it like a non-threat.

Perhaps this is simply an evolutionary response to our world.  We all were potential victims of predation for much of our time on this planet.  If we couldn't move on from close escapes or seeing a member of the tribe eaten, we wouldn't have survived.

Still, it would really be nice if we could start making lives better, rather than worse.

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