Sunday, December 23, 2018

Keep America Free!

The mess this country is in has been effectively orchestrated by people who either want to destroy us or who are so interested in profits that they don't care about the consequences.

We have people on popular "news" channels that spread disinformation and lies because it gets ratings.

We have foreign entities flooding us with misinformation to influence our elections and opinions.

We see attacks on our "mainstream" news organizations to sow distrust.

Items that we once recognized as absurd have now become part of the mainstream.

A significant number of us believe that the country is controlled by secret groups that for some reason are interested in destroying American values.

It might just be public opinion.

As Bob Dylan famously said, the "Times they are a-Changing" so if you believe everyone should revert back to some mythical time where everyone worshiped the same, looked the same, acted the same and oppressed the same, it isn't gonna happen.

The one thing that America represents is Freedom, and you can be free to believe what you want, but so is everyone else.

Sometimes Freedom is hard, and so many have sacrificed so much for it we need to carry that burden.

Freedom is the principle that this nation was founded on and its still our primary right.

For everyone to be free everyone has to respect the rights of others, even those who disagree with them.

Freedom for others doesn't diminish ours, it enhances it.

Lets keep America Free!

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