Sunday, December 30, 2018

Fringe Candidates

Watching the blame game over who is responsible for the current impasse over the wall is typical of the way politics is played this year.

There is plenty of room for disagreements over what the best policy should be on issues but we now have moved to an all or nothing nothing strategy.

Politics have changed in this country as the fringes have undue influence.  A relatively small but dedicated group of supporters can exert tremendous influence in setting policy because they can control the primaries.

This is why you see the current incumbent cater to a small segment of the population. This strategy worked the last time as he amassed enough delegates to become the nominee which led to many voters voting for him because he was the candidate of their party despite his many flaws.

The strategy depends on who the opponent is in the general election. Last time he lucked out as his opponent was a person hated by many republicans and attacked by their PR machine and congressional committees.

A good candidate is key but the primaries give fringe candidates the same edge as the fringe from the other party.

The end result may very well be that we have two candidates representing the extremes while the majority in the middle ends up voting by party and the winner doesn't really represent them.

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