Tuesday, December 11, 2018

Deal with the Devil

So we now have some pretty clear allegations that the dontard directed payments that probably violated campaign finance laws.

He actually doesn't deny it, just argues they were private, not campaign related, which is why they are a violation.

He also admits he continued to deal with his business attempts to do work in China, because, if he had lost the election he still had a business to run.

These are pretty incriminating in a number of ways and at this point there is no doubt about them.

He accuses others of violating the campaign finance laws and they only got a fine, so why would he be treated differently?

Think its more about the attempt to deceive involved here.

He was never a very open candidate, we never saw his tax returns or got detailed policy proposals, yet he still managed to squeak out an electoral college victory due to what is well described as a series of unfortunate events.

Unfortunate for the country.

Still, not sure any of this is enough to impeach him and I think the focus for the next two years should be on all the harm he is doing to progressive issues in this country.

He is always going to appeal to a certain percentage of the population who are focused on certain issues that he espouses, including nationalism, guns, abortion, and immigration.

They are in other words willing to make a deal with the devil.

A majority of us, hopefully, aren't.

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