Tuesday, December 18, 2018

Wall or no Wall?

It seems like the dontard realizes that his chances of getting his wall built are quickly disappearing and in spite he will shut down some of the Government.

Most Americans just don't care about the wall but his core supporters do so he is playing to his base.

Not good for his party or his chances in 2020 but he gets a big cheer when he mentions the wall at rallies.

I can't envision any money being allocated to his wall, but anything is possible in the world of politics.

Generally the democrats will want to reopen the Government so they made need to agree to something that saves some face for the dontard.

Not what he wants, but if they give him any type of bone, he will turn it into a gigantic skeleton.

Border security is something we need but how much do we need?

People have crossed our southern border fairly regularly for years with no detrimental impact to the country.

The issue is more of a media issue mixed with some racism.

Do some of the people who cross the border do bad things when they get here?

Of course, a small percentage, it is people after all.

They tend to be hard working families trying to build a better, safer life.

Have they taken good paying jobs?

Not really, they tend to do the jobs most Americans don't want to do.

They tend to be a bit browner and speak Spanish, and that has contributed to why they are attacked.

Certainly we don't need a wall that won't even be effective to deal with what is primarily a non-problem.

Yes we have many undocumented immigrants in this country.  They have the most risk, not the rest of us.

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