Saturday, December 1, 2018

Goodbye President Bush

During his life I generally didn't agree with his policies but I'll say I always respected him.

He served this country well in the Military, Government Service and in the executive office and afterward he acted with good will and honesty.

There are going to be many tributes to him published but I just want to say he characterized the period in this country where people could disagree without the acrimony and disharmony we see today.

I didn't of course disagree with all of his policies, many of them were clearly bipartisan and in the interests of the country as a whole.

It seems like after him, the country fell under a type of acrimony that we had been somewhat immune to previously and a lot of that is related to the creation of the Murdoch media empire in this country and the sensationalism that used to get revenue.

Its a history that needs to be written how the greed of one man and new technology spread "fake" news into the mainstream.

Of course we went through a period of yellow journalism once before.

How this period will resolve itself remains to be seen, but that is a bit off point.

This president never stooped to the behavior we now take for granted.  He was part of the generation we often refer to as the greatest one, and he took his responsibilities seriously and served honorably.


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