Monday, December 3, 2018

Trade Deals?

So how are the trade negotiations going?

So far not so good but we now have some progress from the G-20.  It looks like NAFTA is going to be updated a bit and we have a bit of a truce with China.

Which the dontard has declared as a victory although we're no better off then we were when the whole thing started.
Maybe that's about all we can expect from this group.  Well at least from their leader.

Even his account of what was agreed to seems questionable as the official account issued by his own administration.

Did they agree to reduce tariffs or just agree not to raise them for a few months?

No doubt everything the dontard says is probably wrong, he doesn't pay attentions and generally doesn't grasp any of the details.

Hopefully some of the people involved actually know how to add and write legal agreements.

It will have to get through congress before anything actually happens.

Even this little bit of progress or no progress is encouraging to the business community who thinks this administration is their friends but head of it is pretty unpredictable, and not in a good way.

Not all the surprises are pleasant ones.

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