Monday, December 17, 2018

Lies, Lies, Lies

We have come to accept as normal the fact that the president lies a lot.

The following link takes you to an article that includes poll results about false statements and the level of belief

Fact Checker

Most don't believe them.

So he lies, we know he lies, but he just keeps lying.

Its so unprecedented in our democracy that it is like something out of the book 1984, except in that book the lies were actually believed.

Its hard t believe that he isn't aware of this, although he might not be, he seems to be one of the few to believe himself.

In some cases the lies are not even very meaningful.

Sometimes contradictory.  Is the wall being built or have Democrats stopped him?

In fact, its so bad that when he says something accurate, a lot don't believe him either.

That is the exception to the norm though.

Republicans, at least many of them, no longer value honesty in politicians.

Democrats and Independents still do.

Shows how principles are easily changed.

Sad really.

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