Saturday, December 29, 2018

Year That Was?

As the year winds down many people take time to reflect on the events and consider ways to avoid the same mistakes.
The year was pretty eventful but not much really happened.
There is so much turmoil in Washington it seems like things are happening, but that's a mirage.
One issue that gets a lot of attention is the immigration issue.
Our country used to welcome immigrants fleeing tyranny, poverty and oppression but now we view them as a threat.
At least some of us do.
All the data shows that immigrants are a net benefit to the country no matter how they got here.   Our determination to hunt down and deport long term residents who have demonstrated good behavior is simply wrong.
We have seen a trade war ramp up as tariffs on China led to retaliation.  Tariffs on general are a tax on the economy and lead to inefficiencies.  They may have some benefit to protect young industries but using them to protect mature industries is fighting a losing battle.
We did see a blue wave in the mid terms as control of the House went to the Democrats.  Very little got done with one party in charge, prospects for progress are slim.
They did manage to shut down much of the government over border wall funding.  It's a ridiculous thing to shut down over  but it is now a game of chicken.  Who is going to blink first is unclear.
Trade deals with our neighbors, very much like the ones we already had are negotiated.
The recent announcements about removing troops from Syria and claims about the defeat of ISIS have led to turmoil and some resignations.
Economy has done ok, but some troubling signs are showing up. Trade, housing interest rates stick market volatility all point to a slowdown. 
The coming year will tell.

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