Saturday, December 15, 2018

Bipartisan Solution?

On pretty shaky grounds a judge in Texas has ruled that the Tax law of 2017 made the affordable care act of 2010 unconstitutional because it eliminated the penalty for the individual mandate.

What will happen with this is anybody's guess and the logic is very tenuous, but in this country if you find the right judge you can get almost any nonsense.

Now that we see more conservative judges being appointed we may have reason to think this might be upheld, although it is certainly not certain and the law will remain in effect until it winds its way through all the appeals.

It would of course be ideal to simply pass a new law that includes all the things we like but the problem with that is, some conservatives view any interference in the health marketplace as a type of socialism.

Certainly the affordable care act wasn't perfect but it greatly increased coverage, has covered pre-existing conditions and has allowed dependents to stay on coverage longer.

It also mandates that certain preventive services be offered at no additional cost in order to increase the overall health of Americans.

If of course you simply believe that he Government has no role to play here, the good things it does becomes irrelevant.

That is not the view of the great majority of Americans and its time our representatives actually represented us.

This will take a number of years to get to the Supreme Court, its ultimate destination and in two years the American people will have the opportunity to make their voices heard on how they feel.

Its time to have a bipartisan solution.

Unfortunately the odds of that happening are pretty slim.

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