Thursday, December 20, 2018


Sometimes you look at the news and have a "WTF" moment.

The dontard has decided to pull all our troops out of Syria because ISIS is defeated.

Now no one else agrees it is defeated and it should be noted that ISIS was simply the latest easy target for battling terrorism.

It also seems inconsistent to say they have been planting terrorists in the Central American caravan if they have in fact been defeated.

It does give the Russians unrestricted access to a critical location in the Middle East where they can further pursue policies which most agree are detrimental to this country and Israel.

It also gives Iran a boost and possibly a way to undercut any sanctions the dontard imposes on them.

Our presence in Syria has never been huge but it was at least symbolic.  Its goals were never really achieved although we did participate to some extent in dislodging ISIS from certain territory.

It would be nice if we actually had a coherent strategy for the middle east that made sense instead of whatever it is we are doing.

It hasn't worked, unless its aim was to enhance Russian and Iranian influence.

Maybe it was, we know the dictator of Russia may be pulling the strings.

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