Sunday, December 16, 2018

Life Choices

It might sound trite but the saying "today is the first day of the rest of your life" is actually some of the best advice there is.

Whatever has happened in the past, whatever has gotten you to your current situation, it isn't the future, the future is determined by what you do starting now.

The only realistic approach to most things is to do the next thing in the best way possible.

Suppose you are a homeless alcoholic or drug user.  Clearly that is a lot of baggage and you can't suddenly become a home owning middle class person.  What you can do is the best thing out of the options you face.  Its probably not to scrounge for the next bottle or steal to get the next hit.

This would be a desperate sort of situation and the options may be limited, but one of those options has to be better than the others, although it can be hard to decide.

Unfortunately you can't go back and do the past differently, and that is a problem for many of us who thing of things we could have done differently.  However, past mistakes don't fix themselves, you have to avoid making future ones.

Not wanting to admit to a past mistake can force you to keep making it over and over again.

Suppose you are in an abusive relationship but are keeping it a secret for pride or to protect the children.

Its going to stay abusive if nothing changes.

To think that you will get a different result if you keep doing the same thing is, well, insane or at least delusional.

No one has your answers except you.  You can determine your future and make it a better one, but you have to do it.

Sometimes the choice is obvious, sometimes it isn't and everyone makes mistakes.

Just keep choosing the next best thing.

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