Friday, December 14, 2018

Political Correctness

You hear a lot of complaints about political correctness and some are justified and others are not.

Political correctness is an odd thing, it is primarily imposed by institutions and society.

The rules are sort of strange and things become "not" politically correct through a sort of consensus, by I guess people who worry about those sort of things.

There are all sorts of words that were considered at one time descriptive but which are now considered offensive to some or many, its sort of hard to tell.

Certainly, calling someone by a term that they find offensive is not acceptable, but I sometimes wonder if they really feel that way or if they were told to feel that way.

Take a term like Redskin which back in my day was the equivalent of Pale Face.  I don't know if these terms originated in real life or if the movies created them, but I didn't realize either was derogatory, although now, some maintain Redskin is.

Outside of referring to a football team and maybe when I used to play as a kid, I don't think I ever used that term, but I didn't think it was an insult.

I certainly wouldn't be offended by being called a Paleface, unless of course I just came back from a beach vacation.

You should of course call people what they want to be called, that being polite, and I support polite correct.

However, when a beloved Christmas song about a man and a women flirting is attacked as being a rape song, I have to draw the line.  Seduction and flirting isn't rape, lets not decide they are.

The song implies a possible outcome that wouldn't be innocent, but both parties seemed equally guilty.

Let's not get crazy.

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